Warsaw, 3 May 1949. A member of the Main Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Poland, Norbert Szuman (MA), interviewedthe person named below as an unsworn witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Zygmunt Arkadiusz Skonieczny
Date and place of birth 13 January 1899 in Aleksandrów Kujawski
Names of parents Wojciech and Anna, née Felkowska
Occupation of the father railwayman
State affiliation and nationality Polish
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Education secondary
Occupation ticket inspector at MZK [Municipal Department of Communication]
Place of residence Warsaw, Odolańska Street 11, flat 10
Criminal record none

When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, I was on duty in town, but at 5.00 a.m. on 2 August 1944 I managed to get to my house at Belwederska Street 10 (at the corner of Belwederska and Chełmska streets). During the first days of the Uprising the area of my house was a no man’s land – the insurgents were at the line of Chełmska and Dolna streets, and the Germans were around Łazienki park up to Podchorążych Street.

On 3 August the insurgents seized the workshops at the corner of Nabielaka and Tatrzańska streets, the so-called Brunerke, and from that time on my house was in the area occupied by insurgents.

I stayed in the house at Belwederska Street 10 until 14 September. As for that period, I know (because I was a witness) that the SA units composed of Warsaw Volksdeutsche were, under tank protection,setting fire to the houses in Sielce colony. I recognized the SA by the color of their uniforms and the armbands with swastikas. . My house was set on fire by them on 20 August. As far as I know, these SA-men did not carry out any largerr executions of civilians from Sielce at the time.

On the night of 14/15 September 1944, together with an insurgent unit, I retreated from my house at Belwederska Street 10 to the Upper Mokotów, where I stayed in the Municipal Health Center at Puławska Street 91 (at the corner with Dolna Street). Between 15 and 28 September I was in a large shelter on the center premises, at the very corner of Puławska and Dolna streets. A brick single-story building of the center was situated opposite the shelter, and during the Uprising it was taken up by gravely wounded and sick people. During my entire stay there I helpedthe wounded and sick people, bringing them water and assisting them in other similar ways, so I know that on the day of the surrender of Mokotów some thirty up to forty gravely wounded and sick people were lying in two rooms and the corridors of that hospital.

The premises of the center were seized by the German units – I recognized SS-men and so-called Vlasovtsy – on 27 September 1944 at about2.00 p.m. I saw that the German soldiers immediately threw out the medical and nursing staff, but for the time being they left alone the wounded and sick people from the hospital and the wounded people and civilians from the shelter (in total, including the wounded people, there were some forty of us in the shelter). At about 8.00 p.m. on 27 September I noticed from the shelter, situated some 25 meters away from the hospital, that the SS-men and the so-called Vlasovtsy set the hospital of the center on fire with the use of some incendiary materials, and that the sick and wounded people were left inside. The entire area was surrounded by the German soldiers. As the exits were guarded by them, nobody from the shelter could go to the rescue of the people burning in the hospital. As I was in the shelter, I heard the sound of flames, groaning of the people who were being burnt alive, and shooting. I saw that the German soldiers were shooting at the sick or wounded people who were trying to crawl out of the burning hospital, and finishing off all who were looking for a way out of the flames.

I do not think that any of the sick or wounded people from the burning hospital managed to escape death. The fire lasted until the morning of 28 September, and there were no traces of life in the smoldering ruins at the time. On the night of 27/28 September the SS-men and Vlasovtsy left the premises and the Wehrmacht soldiers took their place. On 28 September 1944 at 5.00 a.m. the Wehrmacht soldiers released from the shelter all those who could walk, ordering them to go in the direction of the horse race tracks.

I managed to get with my wounded daughters to Imielinek.

As I heard later, those wounded people who had remained in the shelter after my departure had been taken away in special carts.

At this point, the report was concluded and read out.