Zofia Róg
Class 6
Public Elementary School in Hieronimów
Sienno commune, Iłża district
Hieronimów, 28 October 1946

Memories of German crimes

It happened on 20 August 1943 in the village of Piasków. At 6.00 a.m., [the Germans] gathered all the men and women; they had a list and read out names. Only the elderly and the children were left. The mothers of small children were also taken. The children were placed by the fence and the mothers were taken away. The people were transported to Michałów. There was a lot of screaming and crying. My dad and sister were also taken. My sister was in Michałów, but she worked in the area of Tarłów. She covered 30 kilometers on foot every day. The work was hard. She had to dig five meters of ditch per day. My dad was later taken to Zemborzyn. My sister escaped from Michałów. The Germans came to the village once again and took her back to Michałów. When the work was finished, they took her to Silesia. We had no news for nine months. My dad was killed in Zemborzyn on 5 September 1943. He had left his backpack, in which he had bread, [at the place of work] and returned for it. The Germans said he wanted to escape. They put him by the wall and killed. They buried him behind a barn. When mom found out about it, she wanted to get the body. She made a coffin and went to the captain to ask permission [to take the body], but was refused. It was only when the Germans left and the Russians came that my dad’s body was transported to our cemetery. Now we have to suffer alone.