On 29 July 1947 in Mysłowice, the Municipal Court in Mysłowice, Fifth Branch, with Judge A. Wajda (MA) presiding and with the participation of a reporter, clerk H. Śmiałkowska, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and the significance of the oath, the witness was sworn by the judge in accordance with the provisions of Article 111 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and testified as follows:

Name and surname Zygfryd Boroń
Date of birth 3 October 1925
Parents’ names Wiktor and Elżbieta, née Dyduch
Place of residence Mysłowice, Sobieskiego Street 15
Occupation blacksmith

In the photographs of SS men I have been shown, I recognize, with full certainty, Kraus, Pisdulli and Bogusch.

I was in the Auschwitz concentration camp from August 1943 to autumn of 1944. As far as I remember, Bogusch held the rank of SS-Oberscharführer and he supervised the Blockführers. He abused prisoners, constantly hitting them in the face and kicking them. I myself was hit in the face by him four or five times in 1944. Once, he also kicked me in the leg. In that same year – I do not remember the exact date – Bogusch, pulling me by the collar, took me to the political block, where I received a punishment of 25 lashes with a whip. I don’t know who had ordered it. I was punished for accepting food from people when I worked outside the camp. For the smallest violations of the rules, Bogusch would punish prisoners with flogging. He would administer the punishment himself or order other prisoners to do it. He would very often take the prisoners to the political block, where harsher punishments were used.

Once, a Jew was hanged in the camp for an escape attempt. After the execution, Bogusch harassed the prisoners, calling one of them over to the gallows and threatening that he would hang him. The prisoner resisted, so he hit him in the face. Once, I saw Bogusch transporting about six prisoners, who had been assigned to work in a crematorium, from block 11, the so-called bunker, where prisoners destined for death were held. I heard that prisoners who worked in crematoria were burnt after three months. The inmates told me that Bogusch spoke Polish.

The photograph of Kraus I was shown reminds me of a similar SS man that I saw in the Auschwitz camp. However, as far as his behavior is concerned, I have no information.

The report was read out.