On 6 November 1947 in Chełm, the Municipal Court in Chełm, with Judge Stefan Azarewicz presiding and with the participation of a reporter, Maria Tuszewska, heard the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the significance of the oath, the witness was sworn in accordance with Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and testified as follows:

Name and surname Aleksander Gross
Age 55 years old
Parents’ names Klemens and Prakseda
Place of residence Chełm, Pierackiego Street 7
Occupation lawyer
Criminal record none
Relationship to the parties none

I was transported by the Germans to the camp in Auschwitz on 31 August 1941. At the time, the post of the Lagerführer [camp leader] was occupied by Fritzsch – a merciless executioner and murderer. After some time he was transferred to another camp and replaced with Aumeier, who continued the policy of murdering and tormenting the prisoners. It seemed to me that he was not only an executioner and a murderer but also a sadist. The whole camp was organized in such a way as to kill prisoners in all sorts of fashions. The prisoners were shot, prisoner-criminals were allowed to kill their fellow inmates, and the working and living conditions were so hard that a physical and moral collapse was inevitable – and it always ended in death. I rank Aumeier among the worst and most undeserving people.

When Aumeier left Auschwitz, his tasks were assumed by new Lagerführer Liebehenschel. I saw him almost every day when I played with the orchestra or worked in the camp (inside the wires). I have to admit that when Liebehenschel arrived at the camp, the camp conditions underwent a substantial change for the better: we were no longer beaten, allegedly on his orders, and we received better food, etc. The whole camp certainly felt the change. We heard that Liebehenschel was in block 11, where he noticed and pointed out a range of faults. Allegedly, as it was said, he had a difference with the Political Department over shooting the prisoners without passing a sentence against them. Allegedly, as we heard, he even fell out with Grabner and told him that he didn’t fear the Political Department. Further, I know about the following incident: Liebehenschel stopped a car full of Jews who were being taken to the gas in front of our block, no. 24, and when he learned that they were going to the gas, he ordered the cars to turn back and the Jews to return to the blocks. It was said that he declared that as long as he was in Auschwitz nobody would go to the gas. Quite obviously, such a behavior of the Lagerführer made us reflect on it, and we often discussed it. For instance, the fact that he visited us on Christmas Eve provided food for thought. We were told that in the past he was a head of the Gestapo, that he then fought at the front and was wounded, and that this experience changed him for the better and as a result he became more humane. We feared, however, that he wouldn’t stay long in the camp. And so it happened. Höß returned to the camp, Liebehenschel left, and someone else assumed his post; our situation worsened once more.

From among the camp executioners I know also the head of the Political Department, Grabner, the prototypical murderer. I know Kaduk, deputy to the Rapportführer [report leader], allegedly of Polish descent, a degenerate man and one of the worst torturers of the prisoners.

At this point the report was concluded. The report was read out.