Presiding Judge: I call witness Dr. Jan Reymann.

I advise the witness to speak the truth in accordance with Article 107 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Making false declarations is punishable with a prison term of up to five years. Do the parties wish to submit any requests regarding the mode of hearing of the witness?

Prosecutors: We exempt the witness from taking the oath.

Defense: We do, too.

Witness: Jan Reymann, 45 years old, chemist, Roman Catholic, no relationship to the defendants.

Presiding Judge: The Supreme National Tribunal allowed the witness to testify concerning the accusation that defendant Münch worked on autovaccines in the Hygiene Institute. What can the witness say in this regard?

Witness: Since 1943, I worked in the Hygiene Institute’s laboratory. Dr. Münch was the deputy to the laboratory manager. I cannot say exactly what work he performed. He carried out experiences only in the field of rheumatic diseases. I can say that I, as a chemist, was asked by Münch to develop derivatives of cibazol. As far as his attitude towards the prisoners is concerned, he treated us very humanely. I can say that SS men were afraid to beat us in his presence. I can also add that on one Sunday, when I was on duty, I saw some SS men beating female prisoners who worked in the hospital. I told one of the women to report them to Dr. Münch. The SS men had taken those prisoners outside the laboratory buildings to organize “sports activities” for them. I could not leave the laboratory when on duty. Dr. Meisels – a female prisoner – went to Münch and told him about it. He intervened and the women were excused from the “sports activities”. As far as other proofs of his humane behavior towards prisoners are concerned, I will describe the case of Professor Jakubski, who was caught with a letter concerning his family, written by a woman from block 10. There were consequences for keeping such a letter. Dr. Münch covered up the event and Professor Jakubski was not punished. What is more, Dr. Münch took him to block 10 so that he could meet with that female prisoner. I never saw him beat anyone, although I worked in the laboratory in Rajsko until 18 January 1945. When we were being transported, which ended tragically for all weaker prisoners who were of course shot dead, Dr. Münch waited for us at night, about 10.30 p.m., by the road to Bielsko. He gave our group medicines and some spirit in case somebody collapsed during the journey. I would also like to describe one event that took place in 1944, when the whole camp was subject to selections. In late autumn of 1944, several hundred people were selected to be gassed. Four or five people from our group were also chosen, but thanks to Dr. Münch’s intervention they were released and returned to work. I think that the current rector of the University of Budapest, Mannefeld, was among them.

The behavior of Dr. Münch differed categorically from the behavior of the bunch of murderers that I met during my stay in the camp. That is everything.

Presiding Judge: Are there any questions?

Prosecutors: No.

Defense Attorney: No.

Presiding Judge: The witness is excused.