In Mniów on this day, 9 January 1948, at 11:30 AM, I, Officer Władysław Sieczka from the Citizens’ Militia station in Mniów, acting on the basis of the following: Article 20 of the provisions introducing the Code of Criminal Procedure, maintaining the formalities listed in art. 135, 140, 258 and 259 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, with the participation of reporter Władysław Fituch, whom I informed of his obligation to attest to the conformity of the report with the actual course of the procedure by his own signature, interviewed the person mentioned hereunder as a witness.

The witness, having been advised of the importance of the oath, swore the requisite oath, and was also notified of the right to refuse testimony for the reasons set forward in Article 104 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and of the criminal liability for making false declarations, this pursuant to the provisions of Article 140 of the Penal Code, testified as follows:

Name and surname Antonina Feliszek
Parents’ names Jan and Marianna née Ganciarz
Age 38 years old
Place of birth Filipy, Snochowice commune, Kielce district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Occupation farmer
Place of residence Skoki, Mniów commune, Kielce district

Regarding the present case, I am aware of the following facts. On 26 May 1943, my husband Józef Feliszek, son of Stanisław and Katarzyna née Kołodziejczyk, went to Mniów. In what matter, I do not know; whether with secret letters or simply to the commune – he did not tell me. When he came to the village of Borki, he met Germans. They tied him right on the road [and] they put him into the automobile under the bench. Then they brought him to Mniów and together with others he was burnt on Raszówka. When the Skoki village representative told me that my husband was burnt in Raszówka – it was on the following day – I went [there] and identified the pieces from the clothes, which were not burnt. Later, I buried my husband’s corpse with others in the same place where [those people] were burnt. Who could accuse my husband and of what, I do not know. The crime was carried out by German military policemen who were probably from Kielce. I cannot say anything more about this case.