1. Personal data:

Franciszek Jagłowski, 24 years old, locksmith, single.

2. Date and circumstances of arrest:

11 April 1940, Netta village, Augustów district.

3. Name of the camp, prison, forced labor site:

Forced labor on a kolkhoz in Marsc, Severo-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast.

4. Description of the camp:

Forest and steppe; [there were] private buildings which I paid [rent] for [to live in].

5. Composition of POWs, prisoners:

Poles, semi-intelligentsia.

6. Life in the camp:

Working from dawn to dusk, out in the cold, with high quotas, poor food, and no clothes. A social life was present.

7. Attitude of the local NKVD towards the Poles:

NKVD [issued] fines [and were] locking up [Poles]. A [propaganda] meeting [was held] every month. Negative information about Poland was spread by the authorities.

8. Medical assistance, hospitals, mortality:

No assistance [was given].

9. Was there a possibility to communicate with one’s country and family?

It was possible.

10. When were you released and how did you manage to join the army?

[Released] 11 November 1941. [Traveled] 300 kilometers on foot, then by train from Petropavlovsk to Chelyabinsk, from Chelyabinsk to Tashkent, and then to Lugovoy.