Alicja Olesińska
Class 4b
Memories of German crimes
[Life?] during the occupation was very hard. We went to school, but the conditions [for learning] were very difficult. Our schools were turned into hospitals, stables and various warehouses. Our learning was interrupted, and the Germans forbade us from learning history and geography. For this reason we had to learn these subjects secretly from other books, because the Nazis took and burned our Polish reading books. It was impossible to walk past a German school because the German children would run out and throw stones or call us names. There were numerous roundups in towns and villages, so we had to hide and stay put. They took away our fathers and deported them to Germany for labor. But we, Poles, have endured everything and lived to see freedom. We can now study and walk merrily in the streets, because we have our beloved, powerful, free and great Poland!!