Kielce, 16 June 1948 at 10.00 a.m. Jan Zielono from the Investigative Office of the Citizens’ Militia in Kielce, with the participation of court reporter Zygmunt Winter, interviewed the person named below as a witness. Having been advised of the criminal liability for making false declarations and of the wording of Article 140 of the Penal Code, the witness testified as follows:

Name and surname Antonina Zagórska
Parents’ names Jacenty and Marianna, nee Bąk
Age 60 years old
Place of birth Niestachów, Kielce district
Religious affiliation Roman Catholic
Profession none
Place of residence Kielce [...]
Relationship to the parties wife

In the fall of 1939 my husband was summoned to the Gestapo. At that time he was away from home. My daughter Helena (who hasn’t returned from the camp) took the summons to Wola Kopcowa where he worked. After receiving the summons, he immediately returned to Kielce and went to the Gestapo. He never returned. After some time I learned that he was in prison.

His imprisonment lasted until 26 February 1940. That day, along with Julian Szarek and Jan Kuc he was taken to the Stadium in Kielce where all of them were shot and buried in the woods. My husband was charged with the robbery of Stanisław Arendarski.

After Kielce’s liberation, I arranged for his body to be removed from the woods and reburied in the cemetery. In 1945, the body was transferred from the Stadium to the Partisans’ Cemetery in Kielce. Other graves were opened in my presence but none of those who were recovered from these other graves were known to me. As far as I know, my husband was executed by Gestapo men.

The report was read out.